The size of Swordtail may be quite large about 4 to 5 inches long and lifespan is about 3-5 years. So, if you plan to create a long-lasting fresh water environment, these fish can prove a good choice. They demand mid-level care and are of peaceful temperament. Best Freshwater Fish for Your Home Aquarium To make it easier for you to create your first aquarium, we have compiled a list of the best aquarium fish for beginners. Goldfish are a peaceful breed, that works very well in community tanks. And itâs worth mentioning that a Rasbora will live up to 8 years, if you do everything by the book. They are comfortable in a fish tank with 40 gallons capacity and can attain a maximum size of 18 inches. The rainbowfish feed on color flakes, aquean tropical flakes, spirulina flakes, and also betta treat. One thing is common though: every Guppy looks beautiful in a community tank. Discus Fish are carnivorous by nature, so you can feed them dry or live food, as you like. Because of their small size, you should avoid putting bigger fish in the same tank as them (Bettas for instance). Take a look! Learning everything you can about freshwater fish needs and behaviors will help you better manage your aquarium and keep your fish happy and healthy. These creatures are quite aggressive towards other tank mates. Harlequin rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha). There is a difference however: The Otocinclus Fish, is an herbivore species. The Cory Catfish, or Corydoras, is a very popular breed among freshwater tank owners. Today, we’re going to dive into our list of the best freshwater aquarium fish for your home! 1. These bottom dwellers are comfortable in aquariums where the water temperature is 75- 77 degree Fahrenheit with pH 6.4. © Copyright 2021 - SmartAquariumGuide. Basically, the Harlequin Rasbora is the perfect match for a beginner fish keeper. Mollies really like to eat algae and simple vegetables as well. Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras): 7. Can live without aeration. The Angelfish is among the most beautiful species you can get for your freshwater aquarium. These are small fishes that are 1 to 2 inches in length and grow up to 1.8 centimeters. This is a very small fish, that grows only up to 1.5 inches long. The most exciting thing about Discus is that it interacts with you displaying its moods and personalities and even observes your movements. However, there is a downside: African Cichlids are quite territorial and aggressive. There are many different types of Killifish that you can buy, but there is something common in all of them: they are all vividly colored. The Siamese Algae Eater, like its name suggests, is most commonly known for its algae eating capabilities. So make sure you give it in small quantities, and do regular maintenance and cleaning work. For hiding places, you can even put small caves in the tank. This definition should fit you and your fish. First of all, everyone would like to own 1 or 2 Bettas, because of their special look. Usually, Cory Cats are most comfortable in a school-size of two or more with mates preferably of similar types. Simple vegetables are also a great food source for Ram Cichlids. Yes, beef heart. A community tank will look amazing, if you add some African Cichlids into it. One of the main reason, why so many people own one or more Cory Catfish, is that they eat a lot of algae. They thrive best in tanks having a temperature between 77-82 degrees Fahrenheit with hardness ranging from 5-15 dh.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_17',116,'0','0'])); Pearl gouramis are peaceful fishes like pearl danios or neon tetras. Pygmy Cory Catfish (Corydoras pygmaeus)3. Guide to Freshwater Sharks for Fish Tanks. They are acquainted with living in slow-moving freshwater in Asia. Longfin Zebra Danio is usually of a peaceful temperament making it a popular choice among aquarists. Male Bettas are very notorious fighters; therefore only single male Betta should be kept in each tank. All Rights Reserved. Carnivorous by nature, Killifish grows up to 2.9 cms in length in a tank with a minimum of 20 gallons of water. Sometimes they also eat tank mates of smaller size. The Otocinclus breed, is another fish, that is well-known for its algae eating capabilities. The Angelfish is naturally spotted in South America, in many rivers, including the Amazon. Although peaceful and calm by behavior, the males fight with each other by dancing in front of their rivals. They suffer from a disease called fin rot which results in decay and discoloration. Because of this, a community tank is perfect for Ram Cichlids. However, you can also feed them simple vegetables, that are sliced into small pieces. Usually, Mollies are community fish, so they will behave peacefully, when kept together with others. Some say that Discus is not for beginners, but once you grasp their behavior and habitat conditions thoroughly, it is not an expensive venture. Mollies can live in either salt or freshwater and love to dwell in densely planted aquariums with proper illumination. These are beautiful fish, that come in all kinds of colors, you could imagine. You may find them a little more aggressive, but they are more like to scare other fish rather than attacking or hurting them. One of the most recognizable is the Tiger Barb. In their natural habitat, they eat all sorts of things, but like most of all herbivorous food. Angelfish is a freshwater variety that is originally native to South America. There are many species of aquarium freshwater fish, including Catfish, Barb, Cyprinids, and others. Hunts and eats small shrimp. They are omnivorous in nature and thus feed on all types of food including daphnia, shrimp, flake, mosquito larvae, and bloodworm. You can buy flake food, but simple vegetables will also do the trick. Your email address will not be published. Freshwater Aquarium Fish, FishTankWeb.Com – You only want the best freshwater aquarium fish for your tank, just like anyone else does. Jack Dempsey is an aggressive territorial fish with strong facial features compared with the famous 1920s boxer Jack Dempsey. They are peaceful, so keeping them in community tanks is a great choice. To make your Platies happy, keep the aquarium full of plants, where they can hide and live their life, like in their natural environment. This is another Cichlid breed, but itâs different from the one above. List of Tropical Aquarium Fish . Right water conditions can lessen the stress of these fishes and keep them healthier, happier. Also, keep in mind that males donât like each other; they quickly become aggressive towards one another. Discus Fish are considered a more complex breed, that require more attention to keep. It might prove to be destructive in the aquarium. If you plan to set up your own freshwater aquarium, youâll need the best fish to put inside it. Because of this, feeding them will be quite easy, similar to the Siamese Algae Eaters. But make sure you don’t overfeed your goldfish. Blondie Delta Guppy ( Cutest Fish #9 ) There is no list of freshwater aquarium fish where you can’t find guppies. Carnivorous by nature, Angelfish needs proper for its overall growth and wellbeing. Brightly colored, White Cloud Mountain Minnow is not aggressive and breed easily. This freshwater aquarium fish comes in a number of colors including black, brown, yellow, etc., and has colored body spots throughout. The size ranges from 2 to 5.4 inches. But you can buy food products yourself, if that is what you want. In some cases, they can even grow to a size of 10 inches if kept in bigger tanks. Now, letâs take a look at the Zebra Danios, more closely: You need at least a 10-gallon tank for housing Zebra Danios. So, make sure you only keep tank mates that behave peacefully, to avoid any conflicts. This article will help you learn about the best freshwater aquarium fish species. Most Platies are considered omnivores, so they eat plants and meat as well. It comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. This beautiful fluorescent fish, available in various neon colors like red, orange, green, purple, blue and others, are unique. In the right lighting, this can actually look a … 130 most popular aquarium fishes. 80 best fishes are awesome for tanks images fish aquarium aquarium fish name list india ugf freshwater aquarium fish list amazing wallpapers listing names of aquarium fish in alphabetical order bing images por aquarium fish profiles top 10 best freshwater fish for your aquarium … Some of the most popular Rasbora Fish are these: Harlequin Rasbora, Brilliant Rasbora and Clown Rasbora. SunSun External canister filter Review – Is this the right choice? Something common with all Gouramis, is the fact that they like a well-planted aquarium. You must feed the fish whatever they can eat in 2 minutes. If not THE most popular breed. The most common type of catfish is the armored one that grows up to 24 inches and has a lifespan of 10-15 years. However, if they are kept with other fish, they become active in daytime even for food rivalry. Bettas belong to the Gourami family and are highly territorial. If you plan to buy some of these, depending on the type of Gourami you buy, youâll need a bigger or smaller aquarium. They have defined blue-green patterns and are the perfect size for a small freshwater tank. Goldfish are one of the most popular fresh water fish species out there. Usually, 1 piece at every 2 days is enough to feed them. Platies are omnivorous, but apart from meats, they need much of herbivorous food and preferably a good mix of proteins and a plant-based diet.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'inlandaquatics_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])); Swordtails are very hardy fish from the Poeciliidae family which makes them very famous spread tank fish and a perfect freshwater species for the beginner aquarist. These are genetically modified zebra danio and bred initially to help detect the environmental pollutants. Its size is approx. So, keep this mind when you choose tank mates. Whether you’re a new or seasoned aquarium owner, it’s hard not to get hooked on your freshwater fish and their individual personalities. This doesnât mean that they are aggressive. How to keep, breed, choose tank mates. 13. These predatory fish are fascinating to watch and make for an active and lively aquatic display. How to Breed Tiger Barbs? There is a black spot on its brightly colored body that goes well with its name. Any of the following species could be a good match for your tank. The lifespan of Guppy is about 2 years on average but can stretch to 3 years in right tank conditions. There is a downside to it however: it can pollute the tank. They can be fed every two weeks, that’s why they make great pets for travelers. This is how they will most likely thrive in the new aquarium. They are very popular, because you can care for them easily, without much of a headache. All external sources referred to from website are without warranty of accuracy and reliability. Angelfishes can grow up to 6 inches provided you take good care of them. Neons are among the most colorful freshwater fish for your aquarium, and a large school really makes a tank pop. Goldfish are members of the Cyprinidae family that includes the Prussian carp from which all varieties of goldfish are thought to be descended. However, keeping them happy and healthy requires lots of information on various aspects of their living essentials. It requires an omnivorous diet with high protein and fiber consisting of brine shrimp, dried bloodworms or daphnia. Killifish owners are among the largest groups of fish keepers on the globe. They mostly swim in the middle and bottom layers of the water. So, make sure your tank is full of tall plants, that touch the surface of the water. They are quite peaceful in nature but lively and prefer swimming in loose schools of groups. However, the males could get aggressive against the other males in the tank. A vast number of species of fish have been successfully kept in the home aquarium. They are slender and pike-shaped which makes them great swimmers. They are nocturnal inhabit. They thrive, no matter their numbers. If looks can be deceiving, the Oscar breed is a living proof of that statement. If you have a tank of small, fresh water fish, the Otocinclus can prove to be a great addition. However, beginners can opt for smaller plecos that can be accommodated in a tank size of 10 gallons. Most Goldfish will grow up to 6 inches long (there are smaller ones as well) and live up to 10 years old, if cared for properly. To house Goldfish, you need a 20-gallon fish tank, at least. Green Neon Tetra is considered as the most popular fish amongst fishkeepers. Aquarium freshwater fish are ideal as pets, research subjects, and decoration. Thus they are excellent tank cleaners. Most of their time is spent swimming in the middle regions of the aquarium. A good choice, would be the algae wafers you can buy at any fish store. This list gives only some of the most commonly-kept species. Due to its peaceful nature, it will thrive with other peaceful species in a community tank. Just like the Platies before, Mollies are also omnivores, so you can give them all sorts of food. The Pygmy Hatchetfish are among the best community freshwater aquarium fish that stay small throughout their lifespan. This covers half of their body, making them look very special, compared to most other species on this list. There are so many species of freshwater fish, an estimated 41% of fish populations around the world are freshwater fish, while the rest is saltwater fish. Being a micro-predator, it feeds on worms, small insects, crustaceans and other varieties of zooplankton. These fish have a base color that ranges from brown to olive green. There are two types of tropical fish. Hobbyists use aquatic plants for aquascaping, of several aesthetic styles.. Frete GRÁTIS em milhares de produtos com o Amazon Prime. Though it likes live food but eats flakes when young. The majority of plecos are brown in color, and their body coloration depends on the environment. It comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. And that is true, however there is a time when they get quite aggressive: this is during the breeding period. Differently from many other species in this article, the Zebra Danios will thrive in colder waters, just as well as warm ones. One of the most commonly bought versions, is the Neon Tetra. They are very peaceful and great community lover to go well along swordtails, mollies, and guppies. In our cutest fish list, blondie Delta guppies manage to find its place because guppies are one of the most popular fish in the United States and Asia. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. On the other hand though, it is quite complicated to care for, thus making it a tougher choice for beginners. Because of its small size, the Dwarf Puffer doesnât need a big tank to live in. They slow moving water, that is full of driftwood and other great places for hiding in. Umbee Cichlids are another beautiful fish that can liven up your aquarium. Have a look at the 20 best community fish for a home aquarium: 1. It is the favorable tropical aquarium fish from the cichlid family for home aquariums. These fish require a well-lit tank with plenty of live plants. The Angelfish is among the most beautiful species you can get for your freshwater aquarium. It can grow up to 8-10 inches and live up to 10 years or more. Plecos are mostly from South America and also found to exist in both salt and freshwaters. Also, it is one of the most simple to care for species among the others on this list. This big sized fish of around 35 cms in length needs a minimum 30 gallons tank for better care. The lifespan is up to 6 years. But be careful, donât add bigger fish in there, that might confuse your Puffers for a snack. This species has a really interesting orange and black color combo that looks spectacular. Bettas usually live 2 – 3 years, but it can extend further in some cases. It is easy to take care of Neon Tetra and often recommended as one of the first fish to beginner aquarists. This one lives in small groups, and likes to meet other tank mates frequently. If you want something colorful in the aquarium, then the African Cichlids are among the best choices you could pick. They like to feed on algae but you can also feed them with flakes, boiled spinach or other fish food specially meant for them. These are peaceful and friendly to tank mates, but they will eat its juveniles.
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