One time the professor responded to my first email and gave me a bonus assignment. Is it appropriate to ask a professor to bump up a grade when I suspect it may be at the cutoff? I would like to avoid having to deal with the student who tries every which way … Obviously, not every student is like that, and you want to show that you are amicable and willing to hear the teacher’s POV. If the grade was given by a teaching assistant, that person should be included in the appeal. Lv 7. What is the fair way to grade in this pandemic? By accessing this website you agree to our Terms of Use and Cookie Policies. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Good luck. If it is the middle of the summer and you live in a different city, it is best to contact you professor through email and just ask that way. So, another option would be to e-mail him now and ask how he plans to distribute the exam grades. Should grading take all students' performance into account? Be polite, precise and brief. However, being on the ... Act Before Your Professor Submits Grades. Take full responsibility for the grade you have. With the diversity of university subjects and loads, it is easy to miss the point. @BryanKrause - good point, added a sentence. Or, that being an A student automatically means they should receive an A. It is your responsibility to attend lessons, take an active part, and ensure you have enough points for the end of the semester. For sure you have a right to argue about the grade, but try to keep it professional. Advertisement. I had problems in my presentation, because I don't have a lot of experience. Just remember to be patient. If it's a 58 when 60 is a pass, you might be able to convince the instructor to bump you. So, a good middle ground is to ask for an appointment to review the exam. If the Chair believes that new grade have to be assigned, then Chair will request the Professor to change the Grade. Some professors might empathize with your situation and be willing to help you improve your grade. But that's not what you described. But there’s an interesting twist. Students sometimes ask professors to round their grade up to the next highest letter grade. As SolarMike said, it depends on your grade and the instructor. Here are a couple of tips on how to ask your professor for the grade bump. The research also indicates that asking for a bump isn’t so rare: More than 40% of college students have, at some point in their undergraduate careers, approached a professor for a grade change. 10 Ways to ask a Professor for Grade Bump with Sample Email Messages 1. Just a point or two more, and their GPA would improve. If a mistake was made when grading exams, does the prof have to fix it for every student? College is a challenging and demanding environment. It is "inappropriate" in the sense that you will either be turned away or ignored, not that anything seriously bad will happen. If you can put everything you and … It can potentially kill your professor's impression of you if e.g. Point to a comment, speak your piece, and then continue on. Justify the need for higher grades, and explain how it influences your GPA. Fun Begins – Professor can choose to agree or disagree. Following it up and Keeping it Going Put everything into practice. An increase of a couple of points to get you from 58 to 60 out of 100 (or eqivalent scale) may be one thing that may be considered prior to or at the grades or exam board.. I know that’s hard to understand as a student. Others focus on learning and understanding the material more. Further, asking for additional points for any reason other than a grading mistake is really inappropriate, though it's so common that most professors accept it. A lot of times, they’ve been trained to think that asking for a better grade will get them a better grade in every situation. What are the dangers of operating a mini excavator? Every student is expected to work hard on the grades. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Submit all the assignments in time, so when the moment to calculate your grades comes, you feel confident. Your prof may be intending to grade on a curve or some other adjustment anyway. State your names, student ID number, class, and section if applicable. I suggest not asking for a bump unless you think there was a mistake in computing your grade. The feasible plan is to ask a professor for an additional assignment to get extra points. However, if I see a student on the edge I will go over their exam to make sure that no unnecessary marks were taken off, and no mistakes were made. Advertisement The Reddit user who gave the student the advice said he went about his email the wrong way : "1) You e-mailed the professor … Provide a valid excuse. If you have not invested enough time and effort into your lessons and your participation … I don't think it is appropriate before or AFTER the grades to whine for a few points to get past a hurdle. If the instructor posted them already, the change is not possible. Is it valid to modify a student's exam grade if you feel they did not earn it? Never apportion blame to the professor. There're many professors who will be offended. Prof. Cochise. It is not worth risking the relationship with the instructor, especially if you know you did not do your best this time.Â, Collect the evidence of your work during the course. A student in my course does well on exams, but doesn't do the homework: Go easy on them, or make them “pay the price?”. I think that brought down my grade. Now, what happens when the grades come out? Answer Save. It should definitely include the knowledge of how to ask a professor for a grade bump.Â, There are two types of students that professors usually differentiate. Update: BuzzFeed has been informed that the student faked the email from the professor. Luckily, many professors will count the final grade more than the midterm grade. Refer to your tutor with proper credentials. Student requests to know their “grades so far”. The instructor does not owe you a grade. If you’re not willing to spend two weeks of eight hours a day to buy that extra point, To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. In order to make an A-, I need a 90. I’d say go for it. My professor gave me a bad grade and wouldn't discuss it further, I think some prejudice may be involved. Note, if you do this, you should make a good-faith review of the exam and an honest assessment of what you deserve; this is not "one weird trick" to get free points. Favorite Answer. How to remove leading spaces in multiple lines based on indent in first line? Norton detects intrusion attempt from virtual machine - how is this possible? under what circumstances a grade bump should be given (Reddit, 2007). Is possible to stick two '2-blade' propellers to get multi-blade propeller? Ensure You Have a Case. That's smart! I think this answer is fine, but I'm a bit worried the OP or others in their situation will interpret it as a way to ask to bump their grade via a bit of subterfuge which might be even worse than blatantly grubbing. He only allowed us to pick up the exam on the class. If I got an 89.99 in a class and I was literally one point away from getting an A would it be ok to ask the professor if I could get my grade bumped up one point? Your professor may be busy or on vacation, or may find these kinds of emails presumptuous. If you’re unsatisfied with your grade on a recent assignment or exam, here is a template that will help you ask your professor on how to improve or if there are any extra credit options. I know how busy you are and I wanted to make sure you saw it." And when you did have control over it … Your behavior will influence how the situation develops.Â, The instructorâs job is to assess the level of skills that students acquire during the course. You should treat asking for a better grade as you would asking for more money. To get the grade to keep me in my program, and not be kicked out, I had to get a A- in this class. A follow-up email is needed in case you see that the grades might be submitted to the department very soon as you have no reply to your case.Â, If the email reply has not worked out, try arranging a personal meeting. How do I ask a professor to bump my letter grade up in a class. Tell them you want to respond to each one of their comments individually. How should a student proceed? Make sure you do not show unprofessional signs of impatience. These are just a few things that have worked for me in the past, and hopefully they work for you too(: Good luck on finals! That’s the end of the story. (Photo illustration by Preston Crawley) This is a good thing to do in any case; further, the professor will take extra care when assigning your grade, as he will anticipate having to justify it to you. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I regularly attended the professor's office hours and never missed class. A Berkeley Student Asked His Professor To Bump His 89.99% To A 90% And She Was Having None Of It. Why would mushroom-like flora prefer to use a calcium carbonate skeleton instead of a chitin one? Hey guys! Term for people who believe God once existed but then disappeared? Instructors get students emailing them all the time to talk about the exam they are convinced they have just failed before even seeing the results. Make sure to write a polite email to your professor with this request. There are some time limitations though. If not, he will schedule time with you then to discuss further. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Act Early. Email your professor again. rev 2021.2.9.38523, Sorry, we no longer support Internet Explorer, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Academia Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us.
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