All Rights Reserved. The Wire Fox Terrier has small, round, dark eyes and highly set ‘V’-shaped ears which fold forward. Overview The Wire Fox Terrier is short-backed and square-proportioned, but at the same time standing over a lot of ground. So let’s look at some of the different Fox Terrier mixes you can get! Fox Terriers actually come in two different breeds – the Wire Fox Terrier and the Smooth Fox Terrier. Most are but it will depend on the terrier breed the poodle is crossed with. Unfortunately, there are some health conditions that both the Wire Fox Terrier and the Smooth Fox Terrier are prone to. So, your Wire Foxy Terrier will need daily outdoor exercise. This cross loves people, it’s a great family pet! This is another small to medium sized cross that can live well into its teens. you’ll find everything you need to know here, Best Large Breed Dog Food – From Puppies to Seniors, Best Food For Maltipoo Puppies, Dogs and Seniors. Even the best trained Fox Terrier can have trouble resisting the urge to chase smaller animals! Make sure your Smooth Pom Terrier gets plenty of exercise, However, it may inherit the Pomeranian tendency to also love a relaxing cuddle. The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. The Beagle breed has a smooth, thick double coat that sheds all year round. Don't miss out on the perfect companion to life with a purrfect friend. Most are but it will depend on the terrier breed the poodle is crossed with. The Wire Fox Terrier has a shoulder height of 33-41 cm (13-16 in) and weighs 7-8 kg (15-19 lbs). The Fox Terrier came in both a smooth coat and a wirehaired coat and both were considered the same breed for many years. This is the cross between a Wire Fox Terrier and a Poodle. We’re getting our dog Lucy groomed for the first time on the 19th we have never owned a wire haired dog before and don’t know what to expect she needs it but we don’t want to regret it. The regular Wire Fox Terrier will need to be brushed at least once a week, to prevent its fur from getting tangled. It likely developed from the white english terrier being crossed with the bull terrier or the beagle. Recent Adoptions. More recently, the Toy Fox terrier was first registered in 2003, and it’s the Chihuahua and Toy Fox terrier mix which has gained popularity as Taco Terriers. List of Wire Fox Terrier Mix Breed Dogs. This is a small to medium sized mix that can live to around 16 years old! They have a soft, thick, undercoat, and wiry long hairs that grow through the undercoat and stick out. It is a fox terrier, and although it bears a resemblance to the Smooth Fox Terrier, they are believed to have been developed separately. This cross can do really well in dog sports like agility, rally and obedience! Some of the health conditions the Wire Foxy Terrier could inherit are: patellar luxation, deafness, ataxia, and eye problems, as well as those the Fox Terrier is prone to. Wire Fox Terriers have a much more wiry coat, that is longer especially around its legs, neck and muzzle. The wire fox terrier originates in England. She loves to play ball for hours. The Wire coat needs much more care: clipping and trimming every few months. One of the benefits of choosing the Wire Fox Terrier, also known as the Wire-haired Terrier, is that the dog is hypoallergenic. ; Grooming - Both the Miniature Schnauzer and Wire Fox Terrier require moderate grooming. The Wire entered the show ring about 15 to 20 years after the Smooth made its debut. The Wire Foxy Terrier is likely to get bored easily, but with dedication and fun training, they’ll love learning all sorts of tricks to entertain people. Mixes are a great way to get the best parts of different breeds into a single dog! Koko needs lots of exercise! This includes health conditions, so it is really important to ensure puppies are screened for any major conditions. This cross loves exercise and should have at least a couple of walks a day to make sure it’s healthy and happy! L. M. Miller (et al), ‘Inheritance of Congenital Myasthenia Gravis in Smooth Fox Terrier Dogs’, Journal of Heredity, 75:3 (1984), David Sargan (et al), ‘Mapping the Mutation Causing Lens Luxation in Several Terrier Breeds’, Journal of Heredity, 98:5 (2007), C. Rohdin (et al), ‘New Aspects of Hereditary Ataxia in Smooth-Haired Fox Terriers’, Veterinary Record, (2010), K. C. Barnett, ‘Glaucoma in the Dog’, Journal of Small Animal Practice, 11:2 (1970), H. Gredal (et al), ‘Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy in a Beagle’, Journal of Small Animal Practice, 44:11 (2006), S. E. Gibbons (Et al), ‘Patellar Luxation in 70 Large Breed Dogs’, Journal of Small Animal Practice, 47:1 (2006), Greg Harasen, ‘Patellar Luxation’, The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 47:8 (2006), Justin D. Payne (et al), ‘Tracheal Collapse’, Compendium Vet, (2006), Thomas Famula (et al), ‘Heritability and Complex Segregation Analysis of Deafness in Jack Russell Terriers’, BMC Veterinary Research, 3:31 (2007), B. Comito (et al), ‘Congenital Deafness in Jack Russell Terriers: Prevalence and Association with Phenotype’, The Veterinary Journal, 193:2 (2012), Kirk N. Gelatt and Edward O. MacKay, ‘Prevalence of Primary Breed-Related Cataracts in the Dog in North America’, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 8:2 (2005), Kari Ekenstedt and Anita Oberbauer, ‘Inherited Epilepsy in Dogs’, Topics in Companion Animal Medicine, 28:2 (2013), R. Robinson, ‘Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease in Dogs: Genetic Aetiology’, Journal of Small Animal Practice, 33:6 (1992), Your email address will not be published. However, be careful of health conditions like hip dysplasia, eye disorders, epilepsy, von Willebrand’s disease, luxating patella, Legg-Calve-Perthes, and bloat. Wire Haired Fox Terrier Personality and Behavior The wire haired fox terrier is a popular family dog because of its active and intelligent nature. Donate. Until quite recently, the two breeds were only considered coat varieties within the same breed. Wire Fox Terrier; Massachusetts; Wire Fox Terriers for Sale in Massachusetts Wire Fox Terriers in MA. Wire Fox Pinscher. Quick Summary Below are a few quick comparisons between the two breeds. There are 4 types of Fox Terrier: Smooth, Wire, Miniature, and Toy. They may be highly possessive about their owners and toys, just like their parents, which might make it difficult for the… Both Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers love exercise – whether it’s going for walks, or playing long games of fetch. How Many Types of Wirehaired Fox Terrier Are There? Wire Foxy Russell (Wire Fox Terrier X Jack Russell Terrier) It is an incredibly intelligent designer dog that responds well to training. The wiry coat traps water and dirt on the outside, keeping the undercoat dry and clean. The first standard for the Smooth Fox Terrier was established in 1876, separating it from the wirehaired dogs. Coat Fox terriers have been around since the 1700s, and were used in British fox hunts! This is a mix between the Wire Fox Terrier and a Miniature Pinscher. Julia is a 6 month old wire haired terrier mix. Filter. This cross may be small, but it’s full of energy, and needs regular exercise, in the form of daily walks, or time playing in an enclosed outdoor area. Are Terrier Poodle Mixes Hypoallergenic? They’re known for their curly, hypoallergenic coat, that comes in black, white, or apricot. The Wire Fox Beagle is a medium sized breed that can live well into its teens! Fox Terrier Mixes can be found in all shapes and sizes. These dogs are courageous, self-confident, stubborn, and energetic. She has a lot of personality and is very obedient. Some speculation exists that the Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers arose from distinct backgrounds, with the Wire descending from the rough-coated Black and Tan Terrier of Wales. Your email address will not be published. "Koko is 50-50 Wire haired Fox Terrier / Jack Russell Terrier mix. This mix should take well to training and can be extremely outgoing and friendly if properly socialized! This will just be a brief overview. Wire Haired Fox Terrier Personality and Behavior The wire haired fox terrier is a popular family dog because of its active and intelligent nature. Grooming. She fetches then tosses the ball right at your feet! Coat All Wire Fox Terrier found here are from AKC-Registered parents. They also shed little compared to other dog breeds. Wire-Poo: Wire Fox Terrier / Poodle Mix: Whoodle: Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier / Poodle Mix: Woodle: Welsh Terrier / Poodle Mix: Yorkipoo: Yorkshire Terrier / Poodle Mix: Whoodle. Coat. Find Wire Fox Terrier Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Wire Fox Terrier information. This breed does make a good alert dog, but does not do well as a guard dog. Welcome! This mix will love dog sports like agility, obedience and tracking. The job of the wire fox terrier was to work with the mounted hunters chasing the fox. The Wire Fox Beagle is likely to have strong hunting instincts, so be sure to keep it on a leash when walking it outside, and keep it in an enclosed area if it’s left outside. ; Grooming - Both the Welsh Terrier and Wire Fox Terrier require moderate grooming. Like the smooth fox terrier, the wire fox terrier is a natural hunter bred for bravery and determination. If your Wire-Poo does get a Poodle coat, you might be best taking it to a groomer. Gender. Location Breed Color. The first standard for the Smooth Fox Terrier was established in 1876, separating it from the … This mix is intelligent, and will love problem solving and playing fun games with you. Unfortunately, this little breed is prone to additional health issues, such as obesity. List Your Pets. These gorgeous puppies are now 5 weeks old (born on the 12th June 2016) and have already have beautiful thick wired coats and are looking to grow up to be superb square and well shaped terriers! Just remember you can’t guarantee the characteristics your mixed breed will inherit – it could be any from either of its parent breeds! The Wirehaired Fox Terrier was bred by crossing in the rough coated black and tan terrier, for use in rough country, its coat being less vulnerable to damage than that of the Smooth Fox Terrier. Some health conditions to be aware of include: eye anomalies, luxating patella, and dislocated kneecaps. Wire Foxy Russell. The Wire Fox Terrier was reared to hunt foxes, badgers and boars, and it carries ingrained and instinctive prey habits, which can be difficult to redirect. This breed requires nearly constant attention and is very high energy. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? The lovable characteristics of a Fox Terrier can be made even more adorable when mixed with other dog breeds! It is important to remember the characteristics of Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers, as any mix you get could display any of these characteristics depending on which one you breed from. Sort. Find Wire Fox Terrier Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Wire Fox Terrier information. The Wire Fox Terrier is very friendly and alert. Here we have a mix between a Smooth Fox Terrier and a Yorkshire Terrier. The Wirehaired Fox Terrier was bred by crossing in the rough coated black and tan terrier, for use in rough country, its coat being less vulnerable to damage than that of the Smooth Fox Terrier. You can try all kinds of different exercises to amuse your Wire-Poo – they’re great for active families and love playing games like fetch that satisfies their natural retrieving instincts! The Wire Fox Terrier is a breed of dog, one of many terrier breeds. The Wire Fox Terrier sheds lightly, while Smooth Fox Terriers shed a lot. This map shows how many Fox Terrier Dogs are posted in other states. The Wire Fox Terrier has small, round, dark eyes and highly set ‘V’-shaped ears which fold forward. Gages Lake, IL. Thank you for inquiring about our AKC registered puppies. Early socialization is the best way to ensure they are happy and confident when fully grown. We will also briefly look at the second breed used, and the characteristics the mix could inherit from this parent breed. Your Wire-Poo is going to need lots of exercise every day as both the Fox Terrier and Poodle are very active breeds. Some of the health conditions the Jafox is prone to includes: luxating patellas, cataracts, epilepsy, and heart murmurs. The Wire Fox Terrier was reared to hunt foxes, badgers and boars, and it carries ingrained … We specialize in Welsh, Soft Coated Wheaten and Wire Fox Terriers, Standard Schnauzers (my daughters insisted after seeing them at a dog show and doing some research) and most recently added Whoodles to our group. Start training and socialization as early as possible for best results. They are between 13 and 16 inches high and weigh between 13 and … They have a life expectancy of up to 15 years when healthy! Training and socialization should be started as young as possible. Koko needs lots of exercise! They also shed little compared to other dog breeds. If you’ve had one of these mixes, tell us what they were like in the comments! If your Smooth Torkie does inherit the Yorkshire Terrier’s fur, it needs to be groomed at least once a day, and should be trimmed around the eyes. Fox Terriers also come in a Toy breed, which are very similar to the Smooth Fox Terrier, but much smaller! Often sought after for its playful, friendly and active personality type, the Wire-haired Terrier makes an … Are Terrier Poodle Mixes Hypoallergenic? Make sure to give it at least an hours exercise every day. Training for any Fox Terrier mix should start as young as possible to ensure best results – the same goes for socialization! Sort of like a person wearing a polar fleece with a windbreaker overtop! While some individuals adhere to only a few favorites, others would create a bonding with the whole family. They would chase the foxes out into the open, where people could follow them on horses. Also known as Wire Chisoxy, the mix of Wire Fox Terrier and Chihuahua always wants to be close to its family members. The two varieties were interbred extensively at one time, mainly with the objective of improving the Wire variety by decreasing its size, increasing the … Size. Just remember you can’t guarantee this coat in your Wire-Poo cross! Thank you for inquiring about our AKC registered puppies. They also shed little compared to other dog breeds. Sort. The most important trait being the size, the wire must be small enough to go into the earth to flush out the fox. The wire fox terrier … Fox Terrier Rescue of Colorado is dedicated to the successful placement of homeless Wire Fox, Smooth Fox, Lakeland and Irish Terriers. Quick Summary Below are a few quick comparisons between the two breeds. The Jack Russell Terrier is just as energetic as the Wire Fox Terrier. Daily walks are a must, as well as fun, energetic games like fetch! ; Children - Both the Welsh Terrier and Wire Fox Terrier are great with children. Our work is not Public Domain. Mixing up exercise will guarantee a happy Wire Fox Beagle. Its conformation combines speed, endurance and power, enabling it to gallop and stay with the horses and hounds during the hunt and to follow a fox up a narrow passage. Wire Foxy Russell. Some health conditions you should be aware of include patellar luxation, cervical disc, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, epilepsy, heart conditions and eye problems. Both breeds need their nails trimmed monthly and ears checked weekly for debris and wax. However, this cross can still suit people who live in apartments as long as they get this daily exercise! Welcome! This list doesn’t include every single Fox Terrier mix, so if you know of another great one, be sure to tell us more about it in the comments! 2. This will be an extremely intelligent cross, so start training early to ensure your Wire-Poo only learns good behaviors! These include: cataracts, myasthenia gravis, primary lens luxation, glaucoma, luxating patellas, elbow and hip dysplasia, ataxia, and cardiac disease. If they inherit the Miniature Pinscher’s coat the Wire Fox Pinscher will have a short, firm coat that’s easy to maintain, and will only need grooming and bathing occasionally. She fetches then tosses the ball right at your feet! Their unique appearance is one reason people have started experimenting with Fox Terrier Mixes. The breed is also known to have a bold and alert temperament, making for an ideal small guard dog. Wire-Poo: Wire Fox Terrier / Poodle Mix: Whoodle: Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier / Poodle Mix: Woodle: Welsh Terrier / Poodle Mix: Yorkipoo: Yorkshire Terrier / Poodle Mix: Whoodle. Please note: We are not … The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to So why might someone want to get a Fox Terrier mix? Wire Fox Terriers have muscular, well-proportioned bodies with a highly set, straight tail and small, round feet. Wire Fox Terriers arrive at Wire Fox Terrier Rescue Midwest for a variety of reasons - owner death, divorce, moving, life changes, not getting along with another canine, feline or human member or simply not researching the breed before acquiring. Unfortunately, you can’t guarantee the coat your mix will get – it could be any combination of its parent breeds! Wire Fox Terrier; Georgia; Wire Fox Terriers for Sale in Georgia Wire Fox Terriers in Georgia. Beagles are just as active as Wire Fox Terriers, so your Wire Fox Beagle will be a bundle of energy! This will be a medium sized cross that can live into the late teens! Click on a number to view those needing rescue in that state. Those short white hairs come off on your hands when you pet them, and stick tenaciously to your clothing and furnishings. You might want to try obedience training or puppy classes to control this stubborn streak! This cross will be an intelligent dog that loves pleasing its owners and responds well to reward-based training. The Wire Fox Terrier, 16 to 18 pounds of coiled energy, is a sturdy, symmetrical, short-backed hunter with fire and intelligence shining in its dark, round eyes. Wire Fox Terriers: Collectable Vintage Figurines, Wire Fox Terrier x American Rat Terrier mix = Wire Foxy Rat Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier x Beagle mix = Wire Fox Beagle, Wire Fox Terrier x Bichon Frise mix = Wire Fo-Chon, Wire Fox Terrier x Boston Terrier mix = Wire Foxton, Wire Fox Terrier x Bulldog mix = Wire Foxybull Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier x Cocker Spaniel mix = Wire Foxker, Wire Fox Terrier x Dachshund mix = Wire Foxie Doxie, Wire Fox Terrier x Giant Schnauzer mix = Giant Wire Hair Snauzer, Wire Fox Terrier x Jack Russell Terrier mix = Wire Foxy Russell, Wire Fox Terrier x Japanese Chin mix = Wire Jafox, Wire Fox Terrier x Miniature Pinscher mix =, Wire Fox Terrier x Miniature Schnauzer mix =, Wire Fox Terrier x Pekingese mix = Wire Foxingese, Wire Fox Terrier x Pomeranian mix = Wire Pom Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier x Poodle mix = Wire Foodle, Wire Fox Terrier x Scottish Terrier mix = Wire Scottish Fox Terrier, Wire Fox Terrier x Shih Tzu mix = Wire Fo-Tzu, Wire Fox Terrier x Standard Schnauzer mix = Standard Wire Hair Snauzer, Wire Fox Terrier x Toy Fox Terrier mix = Wire Toy Foxter, Wire Fox Terrier x Yorkie mix = Wire Torkie. However, their natural chase instinct means they shouldn’t be allowed to run off the lead or in an unenclosed area. Julia is a 6 month old wire haired terrier mix. If you love small dogs, you’ll love the Jafox cross! Their fur is generally wiry and ranges from short to medium in length. You are welcome to browse through our website and stay as long as you like. Find Wire Fox Terrier Puppies For Sale on The Smooth Pom Terrier is a mix between a Smooth Fox Terrier and a Pomeranian. Wire Fox Terrier 5 Years. This picture is after a romp at the local dog park, where she swims in the lake to fetch her ball, hence the muddy feet. This medium sized breed is a cross between the Wire Fox Terrier and a Jack Russell. The Wire Haired Fox Terrier is a breed full of passion and love and with a little bit of mischief thrown in for good measure. They are between 13 and 16 inches high and weigh between 13 and 20 … The Wire Fox Terrier is short-backed and square-proportioned, but at the same time standing over a lot of ground. She was very willing to learn, and took to training like a champ. Grooming. This mix is a cross between a Wire Fox Terrier and Beagle! They were recognized as separate breeds by the AKC in 1985, although a lot earlier in Britain. Popularized in the 18th century along with the advent of foxhunting as a sport in Britain, the Wire Fox Terrier is a descendant of the Rough-coated Black and Tan Terrier and the Smooth Fox Terrier. Fox Terriers are two different breeds of the terrier dog type: the Smooth Fox Terrier and the Wire Fox Terrier.Both of these breeds originated in the 19th century from a handful of dogs who are descended from earlier varieties of British terriers, and are related to other modern white terrier breeds. Your Wire Fox Pinscher may inherit the Miniature Pinscher’s independent streak, which can make training challenging. Also known as Wire Chisoxy, the mix of Wire Fox Terrier and Chihuahua always wants to be close to its family members. Gages Lake, IL. She is our Christmas Angel.". Exclude Sold Dogs. However, this mix of terriers does have a strong prey drive, so should be socialized and trained as early as possible to ensure you have complete control over your pup. Required fields are marked *. Similar to their parents, the Torkies can easily switch over from their enthusiastic disposition to a relaxing and lounging mode, which therefore makes them an ideal choice for people living in urban areas. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular Fox Terrier Mixes. Ads 1 - 8 of 582 . The Wire Fox Terrier can do well around children, but if around smaller children, he should always be supervised as this breed has the … Wire Foxy Russell (Wire Fox Terrier X Jack Russell Terrier) It is an incredibly intelligent designer dog that responds well to training. Now others often comment on how well behaved she is, even when there are distractions!
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