He felt sorry for him. View All Title Minli feels guilty when her father gives up some of his food for her fish. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon tells of a classic journey with a young duo, Minli and Dragon, working to find their way to the mountain that leads to the moon. A young girl named Minli lives there with her parents, Ba and Ma. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (eBook) : Lin, Grace : A Newbery Honor WinnerA New York Times BestsellerThis stunning fantasy inspired by Chinese folklore is a companion novel to the New York Times bestselling and National Book Award finalist When the Sea Turned to Silver In the valley of Fruitless mountain, a young girl named Minli lives in a ramshackle hut with her parents. When Minli’s parents discover that she is missing, they run after her. endobj
Minli is a young girl, the only daughter of her mother, Ma, and father, Ba. By Grace Lin. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon Chapters 1-4 Summary & Analysis. In thanks, the fish tells Minli how to travel to Never-Ending Mountain to find the Old Man of the Moon, who may know how Minli can change her family’s fortune. ―Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Despite her mother’s disapproval of stories and dreaming, Minli gathers her courage, her resourcefulness, and her openness to new people and places, to take a remarkable journey to accomplish the impossible. Tags: Alone in the wasteland, these gifts alone could not save them. 239 63 285KB Read more. 835 674 2MB Read more. cvanicor. A vocabulary list featuring "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" by Grace Lin, Chapters 1–12. It is about Jade Dragon, who used to be beloved by the people of the earth because she controlled the rain that made crops grow. 4 0 obj
Save. The people had to flood the fields to plant rice and tramping in the mud all day caused it to spread everywhere and cover everything (p2) That afternoon, she meets a man who sells goldfish. 3. WISDOM FOR LIFE Recommended for you. She walks deep into the forest and travels all through the night, stopping to sleep at first light. <>>>
Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this Where the Mountain Meets the Moon study guide. The villagers called it Fruitless Mountain because nothing grew on it and birds and animals did not rest there. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. where are the children. Last Updated on May 6, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. 1 0 obj
On februari 6, 2021 Where the Mountain Meets the Moon begins with a description of a small girl, Minli, and her parents, who live in a poor village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. When her father, Ba, tells Minli a story about the all-knowing Old Man of the Moon, Minli determines that the Old Man can solve their problems. ...' There is a dragon waiting on that bridge,' she said. ' Minli, a young girl whose name means “quick thinking”, listens to her Ba tell her the story of the Fruitless Mountain. He liked him. The main character, Minli, is a young Chinese girl scraping by with her poor parents in the village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. He ate his sweets. Where the Wind Blows. Her grief at losing her children made Fruitless Mountain barren of growth. Minli’s mother, Ma, believes stories to be foolish fantasy, but Minli is willing to risk believing in the impossible. Ba tells the first such story. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. This is a novel study for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.” ― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a fantasy-adventure novel that won the 2010 Newbery Honor. To her surprise, the fish speaks and says that it has swum every river of the world except the Jade River—the one Minli has brought her to now. In the valley of Fruitless Mountain, a young girl named Minli lives in a ramshackle hut with her parents. They find they cannot climb it, so they combine their borrowed lines to make a kite to fly up to the moon. The string turns into a bridge and Minli is able to travel up to the Moon and visit the Old Man of the Moon. He says they bring good fortune, so Minli buys one using one of only two copper coins she owns. book. Beautifully written, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is … Log in here. Plot summary By a bare mountain, where the Jade River runs through, lies a poor, mud-covered village known as the Village of Fruitless Mountain, where the protagonist, Minli lives. A fantasy crossed with Chinese folklore, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a timeless story reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz and Kelly Barnhill's The Girl Who Drank the Moon. As they search, they come upon the goldfish man, who listens to their troubles and tells them his story. Where the mountain meets the moon DRAFT. One day, to help find fortune for her beloved parents, Minli sets off to seek out a character from one of her father's tales known as the Old Man in the Moon. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Curious, she follows it and finds a red dragon crying a river of tears. Every day, the family works in the mud growing rice. The end of the book states," One question! the moon over the mountain summary. 401 times. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, July 2009) makes a generous contribution to the list of children’s literature’s heroines. 8��=��'#p���A�k{�Lu=bsX������X7��w���j�y~��R����?�E��(�Z��2�� B� �-Ik(��KN�25��q��RFY.at,�2�o��5GB�Ir�i�F��h�K豙d��)�e�м�˄�0��)Mz�9L�0���skM�s5bB�/�>�e=�J�O�. Grades. Support your answer with evidence from the story. When he was a teenager, he learned that he was going to die young. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Chapter Pages Main Story Embedded Story 1 1–10 Minli and her parents live in a poor hut in a poverty-stricken village beneath Fruitless Mountain. The chapters are grouped as follows: Chapter 1-6, Ma blames Ba, saying that his stories put foolish ideas in Minli’s head. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Book Trailer - Duration: 1:31. Includes printable and digital versions. Edit. Why can he not fly?'. " Along the way she meets a dragon who longs to fly, an orphaned shepherd boy, and a prince, and befriends them all. 1:31. We’ve discounted annual subscriptions by 50% for COVID-19 relief—Join Now. @_~�"P���~F�*�k�K�2x�E��J'�'��S�F9�-�!�U˼�$
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Chapter 1 Summary. Minli is a young ten-year-old girl with a fast and eager spirit, and is constantly ready for adventure. where the mountain meets the moon chapter summary “It will take more than a goldfish to bring fortune to our house,” she says. At its simplest level, it can elicit a brief summary of events in order to help readers assess their literal understanding. Where the Heart Lies. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon content, as well as access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. 79% average accuracy. 3-5, 6-8 T. Genre. Minli is a young girl whose father tells her stories about the Jade Dragon and the Old Man on the Moon. Fiction. Jade Dragon’s four children took pity on the people and transformed their bodies into great rivers to nourish the land. 4th - 5th grade. In the valley of Fruitless mountain, a young girl named Minli lives in a ramshackle hut with her parents. pgarrison. The story that follows is a wonderful tapestry of friendship, generosity and deep courage. At its most complex, it can help readers make strong connections ... Chapter 24-26 Dragon also believes he has discovered the borrowed ... felt he was home? 56 pages of student work, plus an answer key! This made Jade Dragon regret her selfishness. The objective of her quest is to find the Old Man of the Moo… Minli lives in a poor village beneath the Fruitless Mountain, a place with no water and no plant life. Where the mountain meets the moon DRAFT. 3 years ago. In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, why was Minli's village and everything in it the color of dull dried mud? 2 0 obj
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Inspired by her father's fantastical stories, Minli sets off on a journey to change her family's fortune. Her mother, Ma, complains that these stories are foolish and harmful. 477 36 826KB Read more. With nothing else to occupy them in the evenings, Minlis father spins tales of the Old Man in the Moon and the Jade Dragon. Already a member? From that alone, we know that the story is transcendentalist in nature, dealing with an ascent into a new realm, and it's no surprise that instead of Minli killing the Dragon, they combine forces. To find him, she must travel far away to the Never Ending Mountain. She realizes that her family cannot afford to feed a pet. Crowded … Ba, however, seems glad that Minli is so hopeful. As she works, Minli wishes she could change her family’s fortune. A vocabulary list featuring "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" by Grace Lin, Chapters 13–24. She says they make Minli dream instead of focusing on the reality of the family’s poor fortune. The Story of Fruitless Mountain Fruitless Mountain is the heart of Jade Dragon. Minli’s quick wits had seen her through many perilous adventures. When the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin (Book Summary) - Minute Book Report - … The next day, the family works hard in the rice paddies as always. <>
He scoops some plain rice out of his bowl for the fish to eat. Ma and Ba camp in the forest, and Ba tells the... (The entire section contains 2124 words.). Her beautiful illustrations, printed in full-color, accompany the text throughout. the moon over the mountain summary Inspired by her fathers stories and dedicated to her family, Minli decides to leave and seek a more prosperous future for them all. End of chapter comprehension quizzes for the novel Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin. endobj
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. <>
The goldfish man says that Minli, too, may be able to change her fortune. Lady Sandy 127 views. The next day, Minli sneaks away from her village, leaving a note for her parents saying where she is going. %����
Her children turned themselves In the evenings, her father regales her with old folktales of the Jade Dragon and the Old Man of the Moon, who knows the answers to all of life's questions. where the mountain meets the moon genre. Edit. … Inspired by her father's fantastical stories, Minli sets off on a journey to change her family's fortune. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary - Duration: 13:19. Ba explains that the mountain will remain fruitless until Jade Dragon is reunited with one of her children. Word Count: 2124. 3 likes. Minli almost stopped walking in shock. When Dragon is healed, Minli and Dragon follow A-Fu and Da-Fu to Never-Ending Mountain. GET STARTED. When her parents find out, Ma is angry. The text of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is interspersed with many short legends. The dragon explains that he does not know how to fly and wants to learn, so Minli invites him to come with her to see the Old Man of the Moon, the only person who might be able to tell him how. More Than Meets The Eye. x��]]��8�}���G{�V��>�
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The effort is enormous, and they grow barely enough to feed themselves. He is tied up with some ropes, so Minli cuts him free. ... Where The Mountain Meets The Moon | Chapter 21 - Duration: 9:28. 156 1 163KB Read more. Even so, Minli is a happy and vibrant child who eagerly listens as her father, whom she calls Ba, tells stories every night. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon begins with a description of a small girl, Minli, and her parents, who live in a poor village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. Minlis parents desperately hope she can change the familys fortune. answer choices . In the morning, she sneaks out of the house and releases the fish into the river. Her father tells wonderful stories but her mother thinks they are a waste of time. When this story is finished, Minli asks to hear another, but Ba refuses, not wanting to displease Ma. You'll get access to all of the 150 7 470KB Read more. In the end of the book Minli was so surprised she can only ask one question to the Old Man of The Moon either her I included numerous different types of comprehension questions, including: vocabulary, compare/contrast, cause/effect, author's purpose, figurative language, and deeper thinking questions pulling evide He spoke to the Old Man of the Moon, who changed the Book of Fortune to give him ninety-nine years of life instead of nineteen. Minli asks Ba why nothing grows on Fruitless Mountain and Ba tells her a story. This novel study divides Where the Mountain Meets the Moon into eight sections for study. ©2021 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Inspired by his stories, she sets out to meet the Old Man on the Moon and embarks on a grand adventure. %PDF-1.5
tags: brave-heroines, dragons, longings, quests. Ma and Ba say that Minli is too little to do such a thing. English. CHAPTER 1 Far away from here, following the Jade River, there was once a black mountain that cut into the sky like a jagged piece of rough metal. He was tricked. THE MILLIONAIRE MEETS HIS MATCH. She refused to let it rain anymore, thus leaving the people of the earth to suffer and starve. ... Why did the Old Man in the Moon change the Goldfish Man's fortune? endobj
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Summary. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon. Chapters 1-12 Summary Chapter 1: Our story opens on the Jade River near the Fruitless Mountain in a small village which contains an even smaller home. They travel all through the night, searching.
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