temperature entering the compressor (subtract 40 °F. and this is at 70 degrees F according to my chart the low should be 35-40 psi and the high 145-160psi The high pressure line coming off the compressor is hot so I guess the compressor is working. Fitting of a gauge /meter helps to understand the regular operation of this component. Before we define the R134a low side pressure chart, let us understand what r134a stands for. If you look up some pressure charts for R-134a, it sounds like your low side and high side pressure is a little high. So you need to replace it with another one. By Alec Johnson May 25, 2019. For the low side pressure chart, the readings are from the low side meter. Warning: Remember, venting 134a refrigerant into our atmosphere is illegal and bad for our environment. This is why some manufacturers recommend charging refrigerant by mass rather than by high-side, low-side and ambient temperature values. 62 Fresh Stock Of R134a Refrigerant Pressure Temperature . Again, refrigerant type is one of those variables we have to consider. Thanks Discount Auto for stocking this! Based on some R134A charts I saw my high side should be over 300. Note: The most ideal pressure readings are around 150 high and 30 low. Previous post Next post. The table helps inspect, identify, and solving problems arising from the readings. WARNING: Ambient temp is the temperature at the vehicle under the hood, NOT THE WEATHER SERVICE. Having gone through all the above details, you are still wondering. On a closer look, the technician should be able to note the following. Ac Pressure Chart R 134a Temperature Pressure Chart . This can be helpful in A/C diagnosis. But, being an element in refrigeration, it can also develop some malfunction. The refrigerant enables the compressor to perform its function well. The charts on the back of R134a recharge kits that are available in auto parts stores indicate a car’s low side pressure should be, for instance, 45-55 psi when the outside ambient temp is 85degF. I just went out and put them back on to get a reading. Vent temps in the front are around 65 and rear is about 71. To identify that the A/C compressor unit is operating at its optimal, the technician uses the R134a low side pressure chart. The expansion valve in the A/C might not be working. The dirt is clogging, and so there is an obstruction in the flow of air. What should the high side pressure be? Forane 134a Pressure Temperature Chart Author: Arkema Inc. Subject: Forane 134a Pressure Temperature Chart Keywords: Forane 134a, R-134a, Pressure Temperature Chart, PT Chart, HVAC, refrigeration, air conditioning, refrigerant gas Created Date: 10/4/2012 11:23:04 AM Low-side pressure during normal operation of the same compressor model and refrigerant and the same outdoor air temperature of 85 °F called for 45 °F. R134a is a refrigerant used in a wide range of home appliances or industrial appliances. ... Low side pressure will increase to the point where the low-pressure switch activates the compressor. It will indicate that the compressor is clean, and there is a maximum flow of air. Outside air vents open. A clogged orifice tube is a common cause of such problems. It should mean the system is not operating on its optimal capacity. A few years back there was immense pressure in the European Union to stop using the HFC R-134a for automotive air conditioning. Readings that are higher or lower indicate an overcharged system. Example R-22 Refrigerant Temperature vs Pressure Data Ambient Temperature in °F1 R22 Vapor Pressure at Sea Level R-22 Low Side Pressure2 95°F (35°C) 181.9 psig 68 psi 110°F (43.3°C) 226.4 psig 150°F (65.6°C) 381.7 psig One of the tools needed is an information tool called the pressure chart. The A/C compressor system is not engaged. - The Definitive Answer, Cheap Used Dirt Bike (Where to Buy and Secret Tips), Crankshaft Position Sensor Symptoms (Everything You Need to Know), Anti-Theft System Car Won’t Start (Reasons and How to Troubleshoot), pressure for an ordinarily operating R134a, On the low side, the pressure is low as compared to high temperature. - YouTube The low side pressure is … The technician should have the right tools and information about the A/C compressor. High pressures in your system could be due to it being overfilled. 17. The following table presents the possible inferences and the actions that can be taken, based on the level of pressure registered by the high and low pressure gauges: If such a situation presents itself, you will need the interpretation of your A/C compressor unit. R-134a is the most common refrigerant found in automobiles today. Plugged hose or coil. When interpreting this reading, you compare both the low side and the high side of the chart. Remember this; a well-performing compressor should have low readings on the low side pressure chart. Low side according to the chart should be 50-55. If you are a technician, Consider having it at all times. If you had an old POA system, would see a low side of 28 psi for some really great cooling, but they started making AC systems cheaper than better. 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