The gestation period in guinea pigs could be anywhere between 59-72 days. You should also know that pigs show very few physical signs of pregnancy in the early stages, and you need to be ultra-vigilant in order to determine whether your sow is pregnant. Typically by week seven, you should be able to see the pups moving around. This is how it all started. You may even question if your guinea pig is gestating! Middle Stage – Pregnancy: The pregnancy of a guinea pig … I went and got what I was told was a male. Young Boo! While pregnancy on guinea pigs can be telling, sometimes it’s difficult to see if your guinea pig is pregnant or not! Please ensure you work closely with a small animal veterinarian through the stages of gestation for your guinea pig for safety. Usually, their pregnancy is non-problematic. Empower Her. Once the bones are about two fingers apart, the moment of birth is not far. RSPCA: I Think My Guinea Pig Might be Pregnant, What Should I Do? If you still decide to mate your guinea pig, first of all, you need to know many aspects of caring for a pregnant female. Guinea pigs mate early and often, so when kept as pets, they should be separated according to sex. Guinea pig’s pregnancy: final stage As weeks go by, the mother’s belly will become tighter and bulkier. However, understanding the stages of gestation in guinea pigs can help you keep her safe. For female guinea pigs, you need to add more vitamin C to their diet to keep them healthy. It’s more vital then ever that if you interact with your guinea pig, you do it in a stress-free manner and support her hips if you pick her up. 2. Be mindful of her behavior after birth, as guinea pigs won't hesitate to become pregnant again right away. Guinea pig pregnancy is relatively short, lasting only between 59 and 72 days. A female guinea pig can go through estrus at least three or four times per year. BEHAVIOUROF PREGNANT UTERUSOF GUINEA-PIG 267 morereactive as the pregnancy proceeds. To what degree this stage of gestation makes your sow expand depends on how many pups she’s carrying. However, they are more prone to health problems in the latter stages of pregnancy. Somewhere around week five or six, you will notice the back end of your guinea pig has started to expand. Which is a bad thing so soon. So, I started Guinea Pig Center to share and find people who also love these amazing little critters. The males are potent as early as 3 weeks but average around 4 weeks. A pregnant guinea pig will have large bulges on both sides of her abdomen. In the final stages of gestation, your guinea pig’s pelvic bones will spread apart. While the female is in estrus, he mates with her overnight, making her pregnant. Guinea Pig Pregnancy. You may have felt them before, but now they will cause visible distortions in your guinea pig’s skin. Male guinea pigs at just three weeks old are capable of getting another guinea pig pregnant so keep this in mind whenever you are bringing two guinea pigs together to play, regardless of their age. PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | FAMILY & PARENTING, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology: Guinea Pig, Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine: Biology of the Guinea Pig. Download this image for free in High-Definition resolution the … So, she has many opportunities to get pregnant. Remember, pregnancy is dangerous for all animals. The global industry continues to evolve with the aim to use the best and latest available techniques to produce healthy pigs that provide quality pork for human consumption. At this point, you should be allowing your sow to eat and drink as much as she wants. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in English writing, and has also worked as an arts and entertainment reporter with "The Pitt News" and a public relations and advertising copywriter with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Pregnancy is hard work for a female guinea pig. Be Her Village. I have two guinea pigs in two separate cages. Also, ensure she’s eating a balanced diet with enough calories. If your guinea pig does get pregnant, though, the stages of her pregnancy are relatively predictable and consistent, so you always can know what to expect from her and her pups. Female guinea pig goes into heat (estrous cycle) three to four times each year. At this stage, the pups are small enough to be inside her without requiring extra space. The Stages of Guinea Pig’s Pregnancy: First Stage – Mating: Guinea pigs become sexually active around five to six weeks of age. The males name is Rhino, and the females name is Einstein. Male guinea pig chooses a partner by smell and then marks her with his urine. In general, guinea pigs are considered adults when they are about six months old up to five years old. Guinea pigs pregnancy normally lasts between 60 and 75 days. Summary. During the stages of … Guinea pigs do not build special places to give birth, but you may want to drape an old towel over half the cage, so she feels safe. Nutritional re… Near the latter stages of the pregnancy, the babies can be (very carefully) felt if you apply slight pressure to her sides. One is a male and one is a female. Otherwise, any number of health complications can occur. How to Tell a Girl Fantail Guppy Fish From a Boy, The Scientific Names for the Bobcat & Lynx, How to Tell Male & Female Firemouth Cichlids Apart. Tag : guinea pig pregnancy stages PDF,guinea pig pregnancy stages Program guinea pig pregnancy stages content The thyroid gland is one of the most obligatory keys to unpolluted fertility The thyroid regulates the metabolic degree which is great for the maturation of follicles/eggs, and the early swelling and implantation of an embryo. a 4 U I I 0-05F 0-'0 0-005 0-0021--x x xx 0 x X)0(XX X I I I X-.-A---x x x--WW lX__A 10 20 30 40 50 m Duration ofpregnancy 60 P, 10 Fig. She may carry several pups, between one and six, and they're carried in the womb for 58 – 73 days.. However, since it is a very social animal and thrives in areas where other guinea pigs reside, the chances of it getting pregnant are also high. Like human women, once the little ones start needing more space, your sow’s organs will move, and her skin will stretch to make it happen. You can also use this cavy or guinea pig gestation period calculator for these guinea pig … Hopefully your guinea pig is only pregnant because you are responsibly and carefully undertaking guinea pig breeding. Breeds of Guinea Pigs. Generally, it’s best to treat a sow as though she is pregnant until it’s proven she is not. If you do not know much about breeding guinea pigs… Adult guinea pigs. The gestation period for pregnant guinea pigs is 60 to 70 days. Guinea pigs are great pets to keep. However, it’s essential to stay away from alfalfa and clover since you don’t want to overwhelm your pregnant guinea pig… Sow usually gets mated overnight. Differences Between Male & Female Polar Bears, How to Tell if a Jewel Cichlid Is a Male or a Female. This is much earlier than other animals and so most pet owners are caught off guard. You can do this by adding drops of vitamin C into their water every day. The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. Guinea pig pups should be weaned from their mother at 3 weeks. The gestation period for guinea pigs is 59 – 72 days counting from the first day of mating.They have an average gestation period of 66 days.. Throughout the pig’s pregnancy, the weight gain will be progressive, until reaching a considerable size. The female doubles in weight and hence gets bigger in size too during pregnancy. Female guinea pigs, also known as sows, begin having oestrus (the time when they are fertile) every sixteen days within the first three to five weeks of life. © All Right Reserved Silver Magpie Writing Services LLC. How Long are Guinea Pigs Pregnant? Keep the cage as clean as you can for the pregnancy. There is a high maternal mortality rate for guinea pigs (about 20%) as they are vulnerable to complications and illnesses such as toxemia. Stage 1: the beginning of their pregnancy. The circumstances bringing the guinea pig into our homes means we may not even be sure of how old our cavies are, if they have yet reached sexual maturity or if they have been in contact with a male. The easiest way to sex a pig is to check for a penis. Your female guinea pig will gestate somewhere between 59 and 72 days. My name is Coleen, and I love guinea pigs. Pregnant Guinea Pig Care. An average littler is three or four pups, which is enough for a guinea pig to become noticeably bigger during the pregnancy. About 5-8 days after giving birth, the mother begins lactating for her pups, but they don't rely on her for long. The pups are born relatively well-developed, with teeth, hair, open ears and open eyes. Your guinea pig will be obviously pregnant, though her front half does not change shape. (a) Schematic representation of examination of the left uterus horn with the finger tips of the left hand. Oh, my heart… A pig’s gestation period is easy to remember – 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days (approximately). Typical litters can range from one to seven little ones, through three to four is more common. Feeding pregnant guinea pigs hay also helps their balance nutritionally. Hay is the closest to natural thing you can offer guinea pigs without spending exorbitant amounts of money. The average duration of a pregnancy is 65 days, but it depends on how many pups she is carrying -- her pregnancy will be shorter if she's carrying more pups. Thus, giving her and her partner a large number of chances to breed. Without lab work, you may have issues counting the exact number of days. Plus, understanding the process adds to the wonder rather than subtracting from it. Only a good breeder can feel an early pregnancy the rest of us have to wait until they are about 45 days pregnant … So e know she has been with him for at least one heat. How many pups are in the litter also affects your guinea pig’s gestation. Pregnancy can have a number of complications for the sow, the female guinea pig, including toxaemia (metabolic imbalance), dystocia (difficulty giving birth), and post-partum difficulties (such as seizures due to low calcium levels). Historically, it was the Spanish conquistadors who approximately 400 years ago brought guinea pigs to Europe from South America, where they are native. However, her pelvic bones are under her belly, so be careful not to stress you sow. Postnatally guinea pigs can become sexually mature as early as four weeks. You do not want your sow to eat into her fat reserves. Otherwise, you'll be left with the pitter patter of little paws. Looking from above, she will have an evident 'pear shape' towards the end of the pregnancy. The female guinea pig goes into heat every 16 days or a few hours and this is the only time she will accept they male. Interesting fact – The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! Most people don’t really know how to tell if their guinea pig is pregnant. Growing up, we had over 200 of them at various points. Before we can tend to the needs of our guinea pig, we need to ensure they are indeed pregnant. You may even find her pregnancy waddle adorable. How Soon After a Litter Can You Spay a Cat? For details see text. Hello David, As we say in the article it is difficult to tell if a guinea pig is pregnant and you have to look at the signs we have detailed. Guinea pigs mate early and often, so when kept as pets, they should be separated according to sex. If possible, you should reduce how much you handle her. After only two or three weeks since their birth, the pups are weaned and become independent. How to Know if Your Bearded Dragon Is Pregnant. She starts estrus when she's just older than two months, so don't be surprised if a relatively young pet gets pregnant. Female guinea pigs can get pregnant when they are just one month old. But, when I put my new guinea pig in the cage with Rhino, he immediately started to hump my new guinea pig! 3. This article is not a substitute for veterinary advice. During the stages of gestation for guinea pigs, it’s vital that you support the hips and butt of the pregnant piggle. Guinea pigs pregnancies are all too frequently accompanied by complications such as hypocalcimia (lack of calcium), pregnancy toxemia, dystocia (difficult birth), still borns, premature babies, weak labour, retained (not delivered) babies and placentas, hemoraging, and death of the mother herself. Since its beginning, pig farming has existed to produce pork. Guinea pig pups eat solid food from birth, but they also get nutrition from their mother. Figure 17: Dating of guinea pig pregnancy by palpation. During the first month or so, you probably will not notice remarkable differences in the shape of your guinea pig. However, if we suspect pregnancy, we can look out for the following signs: Generally, it’s best to treat a sow as though she is pregnant until it’s proven she is not. Your female guinea pig will gestate somewhere between 59 and 72 days. Despite their common name , guinea pigs are not native to Guinea , nor are they closely biologically related to pigs , and the origin of the name is still unclear. But not to worry, there are signs of how to tell if a guinea pig is pregnant… I first got Rhino, and after about three weeks, I decided to get him a buddy. However, it is too early to know at this stage. A guinea pig’s pregnancy lasts about 9 or 10 weeks. In order for you to have a deeper understanding of the pregnancy of guinea pigs, let us show you the stages! After injections on Days 17 and 18 and on Days 25, 26, 32 and 33 At this point, entering any housing you may have in her cage would require a wide door. Do your best to supply ample nutritional food and a stress-free environment to your sow throughout the pregnancy and especially for the birthing process. Pregnant guinea pigs need care and attention to help them through their gestation. © 2021 WILD SKY MEDIA. Having a pregnant piggle is exciting. Without lab work, you may have issues counting the exact number of days. Duringthe last fortnight the uterus reacts to one-fiftieth ofthe amountrequired in early pregnancy. Guinea Pig Pregnancy Stages My Guinea Pigs Stages Of Pregn guinea pig pregnancy stages week by week is important information accompanied by photo and HD pictures sourced from all websites in the world. They are small and prove to be inexpensive in terms of caring for them. The size of the litter and the energy reserves that the sow is capable of storing for the lactation process will determine how much weight the pregnant female will gain during this stage. A veterinarian can determine how many babies she is carrying, ensuring that she delivers all of them successfully. Typically, larger litters will gestate for a shorter period, leaning towards the 59-day mark. While your sow might bear from one to six pups or even more, the average litter size is 3. Weigh your sow weekly to be certain she … Pregnant guinea-pigs were injected with oestrogen at different stages of gestation. PIG GROWTH STAGES. Stages Of A Guinea Pig’s Pregnancy. This means they can impregnate their mother. The weeks immediately before birth are exciting. Shape The World. Especially the males. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Males choose their mates by smelling them, then marking them with urine. Tom Ryan is a freelance writer, editor and English tutor. If you suspect that your female guinea pig may be pregnant, then it is best to consult your veterinarian. Otherwise, you'll be left with the pitter patter of little paws. Indeed, for animals, as well as for people, pregnancy is a very important and crucial period, requiring a lot of strength from a future mother. The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also known as cavy or domestic cavy (/ ˈ k eɪ v i /), is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Once she goes into labor, the birthing process shouldn't take long -- only about 30 minutes or so. Pregnancy There is no such thing as a pregnancy without risks. Here is our guide to guinea pig pregnancy. That is why the animal must be kept in special conditions. Stage #4. Pre-mature birth will need to be followed by a period of artificial incubation. There will come a time when you’ll be able to clearly see the babies moving inside the mother , and even the different parts of their anatomy. (b) Results of palpation for six successive stages of guinea pig pregnancy. Embryos from the guinea pig or guinea-pig (Cavia porcellus) have been used in various tetragenic studies, including the effects of elevated body temperature on embryonic development. If your guinea pig takes longer than this or shows signs of struggling, she may need immediate veterinary attention, as they sometimes require assistance giving birth. Even in the early stages, growing pups takes a lot of energy. A female guinea pig goes into estrus three or four times every year, giving her and her mate plenty of opportunities to breed.
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