(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) NARRATOR: It`s 3:00 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep. SHARPTON: No, I think you`re right to point out that two of them did say that. The Supreme Court agrees to rule on the Obama health care law just as conservative Justices Thomas and Scalia go to a fund-raiser for a right-wing legal group. This is blatantly saying we may have the right to our own discretion, and we just decide we`re going to do what we want to do. This is outrageous. It`s likely to be the most important ruling since Bush v. Gore, with a decision expected during the presidential election. This is not a legal transcript for purposes of litigation.>. We`re about to have a mess. She said she watched a news conference last week because she 'wanted to hear her specific allegations', before deciding that 'you weren't in the car with Herman.'. Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain said he would not drop his bid for the Republican presidential nomination in the face of decade-old allegations of sexual harassment. And get ready for some Tiffany. at least like you didn't die like Herman Herman Herman came following Trump died in vain. But it wasn`t hard. I don`t think so. And so, yes, I think they`re having a problem transitioning from a more general election campaign because they`re so focused on this Tea Party base. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Let me just say this, they`re wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I woke… And you really get the sense you`re watching a spoof of it. Joining me now is Bill Fallon, a former prosecutor who oversaw the sexual assault and child abuse unit in Essex County, Massachusetts. The wife of embattled U.S. presidential candidate Herman Cain has defended her husband against claims of sexual harassment by saying he has 'too much respect for women' for the allegations to be true. I guess by trying to go to an extreme and act as though something that he doesn`t believe in could work when all the evidence that you`ve just given some concrete examples are to the contrary. No wait -- in a cone. For her, she said, 'that was the end of it. Nia-Malika, is Herman Cain`s pizza cooked? And plus, interrogators have been saying all along we don`t need it. GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain won't decide whether to stay in the race until after he speaks with his wife in person, he told reporters. (END VIDEO CLIP) SHARPTON: Dana, you are my expert in Cain language. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) SHARPTON: We`re back with new outrage in the horrific sex abuse scandal at Penn State. Now, what does this kind of language do to the average American-Muslim in this country if we start broad painting that the majority of anybodies become extremists? And chilling video of Sandusky talking about kids. When I was a little boy, we used to wait on Mr. Softy. Earlier, we told you about the interview he gave to "GQ" magazine. And you have to tell your viewers, this goes on for five minutes like this. PENN STATE COACH: How did it all start? Trump recommends Herman Cain for Federal Reserve seat. HENDERSON: Yes. (HERMAN CAIN SINGING) SHARPTON: And then he moved to dessert. Never discloses that to the prosecution. I don`t think The Federalist Society, frankly, is going to influence them. Thanks for being here. Would you trust any one of them with a 3:00 a.m. call? CAIN: OK, Libya. A fifth woman, Donna Donella, also came forward last week to detail what she called an 'odd request' by the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO to have dinner with a woman who asked him a question during a 2002 speech in Egypt. Bucking the establishment. SHARPTON: Plus, it`s 3:00 a.m. Do you know where the GOP candidates are? Are Republicans right? He once talked about him being haagen-dazs. But Mrs Cain said in the extensive interview: 'To hear such graphic allegations and know that that would have been something that was totally disrespectful of her as a woman and I know that's not the person he is. With Herman Cain's sexual harassment scandal hampering his campaign, the leading presidential candidate has turned to a secret weapon in the fight to overcome the damaging reports - his wife. He would call that a sissy pizza." Someone who enjoys them. I did what I had to do under the law. I`m Al Sharpton. This went well beyond that. When you pick up foreign affairs, soft. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) SHARPTON: The Godfather of Pizza is bringing us deep into the psychological world of pizza. He is a former CEO of a midwestern pizzeria chain as well as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. NEWT GINGRICH (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: But this is a wild risk. That`s now how we operate. KUMAR: Thank you. The Godfather of Pizza is finally starting to feel the heat of the republican race. Mr. Cain may have time for a full night`s sleep soon. And it says, that it spells big trouble for Mitt Romney. @FloorJansen_ interested in singing on our special @NightwishBand parody song? ', Mrs Cain revealed how 'years ago, I think, when he first mentioned something about ... there had been accusations of harassment, and I asked him if there was anything to it. The embattled nominee has steadfastly denied all accusations and has come out fighting, claiming he never acted inappropriately towards anyone. It`s as important, almost maybe as important, as the execution of fair justice, as the appearance of impartial justice. (BEGIN AUDIO CLIP) JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS, U.S. SUPREME COURT: We love being with each other because we love the same thing. She has spoken out in his defence as he battles sexual harassment allegations, Mrs Cain added: 'In the beginning I started thinking, 'could I have missed something? There are many, many children who could benefit from the second mile. I`ve got all this stuff twirling around in my head. A sister of the wife of a preacher, a dog y'all stood behind me stood with him, but you've been called out now. An e-mail last week, just last week, from Mike McQueary, who is the man at the center of this in 2002 that witnessed allegedly witnessed the raping of this 10-year-old boy, walked in with the young man`s -- young boy`s hands up. Cain`s wife Gloria, who we`ve seen once since his husband announced his candidacy, just sat down to a first interview to talk about the Herman Cain she knows. WASHINGTON -- Herman Cain escaped. We`re not talking about some kind of interpretation, some marginal attack. With the global death toll constantly rising, not even famous people are safe from COVID-19. An indelible clip shows Cain, clad in a white choir robe and in fine singing fettle, belting a parody of John Lennon’s “Imagine” at an Omaha banquet: “Imagine there’s no pizza … I couldn’t if I tried.” Cain also served on the boards of the Federal Reserve Bank of … Herman Cain's wife attributed some of the claims to the 'gutter mentality' of his accusers, adding that sometimes his 'innocent comments' could be misconstrued as sexual harrassment. Perry going all the way about executions and the whole idea of not even losing any sleep over whether he ever made a mistake and a couple of punishment. That`s not who we are. A supporter, who is attending the session, told CNN the attendees are expecting the GOP presidential candidate to tell them during the meeting whether or not he will continue with his campaign. Nia-Malika Henderson and Maria Teresa Kumar on the GOP`s ever-changing palette. ... Singing lessons help long Covid sufferers breathe. Now, many of us on different sides of the political spectrum, right and left, may disagree with any given policy. SHARPTON: Now, Maria, one of the things that you and I have been concerned about in our individual careers has been bias. This is very, very serious. Chilling video of the accused child molester, Jerry Sandusky talking about his work with kids in an interview with NBC News from 1987. Now lone mothers are banned from FILMING their baby scan despite maternity units already stopping partners... BBC stops Panorama team probing Martin Bashir's Diana interview having easy access to basic documents. And he`s the head of this organization and quite frankly he started it. I mean, let`s remember that the convention against torture was signed and pushed through Congress by President Ronald Reagan, another Republican. In 1991, Herman Cain was filmed singing a parody of John Lennon's "Imagine" at a Godfather's company event at the Omaha Press Club, changing the lyrics to be about Pizza.It was initially shared by Omaha.com on October 11th, 2011. Sharon introduced me to Mr. Cain. That`s just one example of the many in which torture did not work, and it instead actually slowed down our ability to conduct operations. The Supreme Court has agreed to decide the fate of the biggest achievement of the Obama presidency, the health care law. Businessman and political candidate Herman Cain, speaking to a rally in 2011, said, "Singing ‘Kumbaya’ is not a foreign policy strategy." MATTHEW ALEXANDER, AUTHOR, "KILL OR CAPTURE": It`s absolutely not effective. …the phone with his amazing wife Gloria, daughter, Melanie, and son Vincent to express my deepest condolences to the entire family. Let me show you guidelines that apply to federal judges and supposed to be used for guidelines at the Supreme Court, but they`re not mandated. SHARPTON: I mean, when you look at the fact that Newt Gingrich now has topped one of the polls and has become the flavor of the month when just a couple of months ago, a few months ago, we were talking about Newt owning a jewelry store, owning a half million dollars. You look at the fact, the prosecutors I believe asked for $500,000 bail, ankle bracelet. October: Libyan rebels kill Gadhafi, announcement of Iraq withdrawal. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So you agreed with President Obama on Libya, or not? (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) SHARPTON (voice-over): Supreme conflict. And he`s wrong. I believe that these candidates that are pro-torture, who are for bringing back waterboarding and enhanced interrogation techniques, are simply trying the to make political points. He says, "The video is being taken out of context. You can`t make this stuff up, folks. I didn`t just turn and run. ALEXANDER: That`s correct. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) VIRGINIA THOMAS, CLARENCE THOMAS` WIFE: Washington is broken. Because they`ve been playing so specifically in this pretty small fraction of their party. Congressman Doggett, let me start with you. Who knows what the polls are going to be two months from now? But we will have to find some type of remedy if this pattern on such important issues continues with Justice Thomas. Scalia at one table, Thomas at another table. It`s contrary to America`s traditions. Embattled presidential candidate Herman Cain is singing all the way to the bank, according to a new report from the Washington Times' Kerry Picket: Two sources within the Cain campaign are What you have though with Justice Thomas` wife is the appearance, a strong appearance of a conflict of interest. Another candidate with sexual harassment of the -- already four women coming forward. Herman Cain, this atypical configuration in your natal chart is one of the most complex to describe because of the very nature of the 8th house, the house of transformation, of crises leading to personal reconstruction, but also the house of sexuality, hidden knowledge, investment and inheritance. Congressman Doggett, I said it before, I say it again, this is about all of us and the well-being of Americans. There are millions of Americans at risk if the court should reject this plan. And I think that you`re seeing a Republican Party right now that has gone significantly beyond where Bush and Cheney were. Rick Perry is rocky road and Michele Bachmann`s ice-cream flavor, is tutti frutti. For Justice Thomas, headlining a fund-raising dinner is just the beginning of his long list of conflicts of interest. No license is granted to the user of this material other than for research. ', However, she then said that 'if I haven't seen parts of that person in 43 years, I don't think I'm that simple that I would miss something that significant.'. And that`s the tragedy of it. Gloria Etchison Cain is the wife of Herman Cain. As a thinking woman, one interested in the powerful role the American President plays on the world stage, ... Really, Herman? Also today, the CEO of Sandusky`s charity, a man named Jack Raykovitz resigned. Here to stay? And then I think his charge is not that dissimilar from basically saying that African-Americans have been brainwash by the Democratic Party. How can he sit there? He totally respects women. Gloria Cain, who has remained largely hidden from the public during Mr Cain's fight for the Republican party's nomination, spoke at length in a rare television interview to stand by her husband of 43 years. Is this a reality show or what? First, Bill, what about this judge? Today's big news story are really know what it feels like to be number one. And in fact, this is going to be a problem for them. That, Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow Americans, should not be tolerated. In a cup. And I want you to know, judges all around the United States basically lowball bail on child molesters, child rapists, as we have here allegations of that. Cain attacking African-Americans, now attacking Muslims. And Newt staff leaving him in several states and Newt went on vacation with his wife in Greece and now he`s gone up 14 points. And it`s one of the reasons why they`re plummeting I think in the polls. Particularly since she was denying the request of the prosecutor. I certainly agree, Chief Justice Roberts should weigh in, the other colleagues should weigh in. May: successful raid on Osama bin Laden. We`ve been dealing with this. Hardball starts right now. The protection that it affords to our seniors is really important, and extending the solvency of the Medicare trust fund by a dozen years. We gonna re-record it, because some strange people LOL really want to hear it on streaming services (END VIDEO CLIP) SHARPTON: She`s standing by her man. The wife of embattled U.S. presidential candidate Herman Cain has defended her husband against claims of sexual harassment by saying he has 'too much respect for … He was taking questions for about 30 to 40 minutes on four hours of sleep. I`ve got to go back and see. By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 10:08 GMT, 16 November 2011. SHARPTON: Well, if you look at the polls, Maria, you see that the surprising beneficiary of Cain`s drop is Newt Gingrich. I mean, when you have these kinds of things that the president, who they said would be weak on foreign policy, and weak in this area, how do you run against them? ... in child support and alimony to his ex-wife. And he said, quote, in his e-mail, "I did the right thing. Mrs Kraushaar, 55, filed the complaint three years later while working as a spokeswoman at the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the Justice Department. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. SHARPTON: Now, maybe they are trying, Mr. Alexander, to pander to some extreme crowd because they have an uphill battle to put either of their -- or any of their credentials against this president. A quarter of a century ago. Jack Avery. (END VIDEOTAPE) SHARPTON: Welcome to POLITICS NATION. REP. LLOYD DOGGETT (D), TEXAS: Well, on such an important case as this, clearly Justice Thomas should not be hearing the case with his wife being a self-described ambassador to the Tea Party, with the agenda that they have got. SHARPTON: Mrs. Cain stands by her man, but new poll numbers show Republicans like Newt on their pizza pie. HENDERSON: Thank you. He still looks like the shining star. That`s something one should really pick up on. By not only do I believe that Mr. Cain is wrong about the flavors. DOGGETT: Absolutely. (END VIDEO CLIP) SHARPTON: Mr. Cain won`t even know who is on the other end of the line. SHARPTON: Ahead, outrage at Penn State. Clement got his start clerking for Scalia. I get a lot of personal contact in my life. There`s pretty funny, but I disagree with Mr. Cain about Willard flavor, there`s no way in the world Willard could commit to just one. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) VICTOR ZUCKERMAN, EX-BOYFRIEND OF CAIN ACCUSER: Sharon indeed did meet and spend time with Mr. Cain. He was waterboarded. Mrs Cain went on to question why her husband's third accuser, Sharobn Bialek, opted to reveal her claim after so long, as Herman Cain allegedly sexual harrassed her in 1997 in a parked car. SHARPTON: Nia, it appears that Maria is onto something here because despite all of this fall and this, of course, we`re looking at polls before this bizarre interview about Libya, which is almost equal to forgetting your third point of the agencies you want to close from Rick Perry. RICHARD WOLFFE, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, let me separate out these two things, because I think The Federalist Society has been pursuing conservative legal principles for many, many years, and it`s no secret that these justices are ultra conservatives. No one has to report to police. He didn`t say anything." So, maybe he decided he wanted to at least equal if not one up him. And Maria Teresa Kumar, executive director of Voto Latino and an MSNBC contributor. Congressmen Lloyd Doggett and Richard Wolffe on the question, is the fix already in? By Eric Marrapodi, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor. PERRY: And I am for using the techniques -- not torture -- but using those techniques that we know will extract the information to save young American lives. It goes even beyond where the Bush administration was. One of the things that Karl Rove said when this thing first hit was that it would probably take voters about two weeks to really start to change their mind about Herman Cain. SHARPTON: Now, Dana, when you look at the fact that even Senator John McCain said that he doesn`t agree with waterboarding, and, in fact, he was -- made this statement about his fellow Republicans, saying -- they support it -- saying he was "very disappointed by statements at the South Carolina GOP debate supporting waterboarding. The lawyers are on one side and everything else in their lives are on another. (END VIDEO CLIP) SHARPTON: It`s desperate times for team Cain, and now they`re calling in the big guns. The sexual harassment accusations have dominated Mr Cain's campaign since they were first reported October 30 by Politico. And he gave wrong information? So, that`s what we`re hearing from him. I had to make quick, tough decisions." He`s got a 23, 25 percent feeling at this point and he`s got somebody in Rick Perry stumbled in the CNBC debate. Cain is down a whopping 11 points since last month. We believe in the same things. Editor’s note: This is part of an occasional series of stories looking at the faith of the leading 2012 presidential candidates, including Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich.We profiled the faith journey of Herman Cain before he suspended his campaign. $100,000 shopping spree at Tiffany`s. He`s naked being raped according to the grand jury report. Someone who cares about them. I am not again talking about this as a Democrat. But what`s most frightening is this field wants to go back to a policy of torture. And so, I think that`s were really probably going to be worrisome for Mitt Romney and could give him some troubles in the days ahead. I think it was very effective. And it always got me messed up. In fact, the evidence against waterboarding is very simply put in the case of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 plot, who was waterboarded 183 times, and then lied to his interrogators and told them that Osama bin Laden`s courier had retired, when, in fact, he had not and ended up being the key to finding Osama bin Laden. Former presidential candidate Herman Cain is the latest. He also is the author of "Kill or Capture." Herman Cain is an American businessman seeking the 2012 Republican nomination for President. ALEXANDER: Thanks. About. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. And the appearance of justice is something the courts have taken into consideration for many, many decades, if not centuries. It`s addicted to spending. Now, this is enforced for federal judges and others, but it is not enforceable by the Supreme Court. And Dana Milbank, columnist for "The Washington Post." We might add that Mr. Thomas did not disclose his wife`s connection and financial connection until challenged. You know, Chief Justice Roberts really has to kind of weigh in here, because there are lawyers on all sides of the divide who say the Supreme Court isn`t just about deciding on whether something is constitutional or not. I`m Al Sharpton. And for everyone on Medicare, for everyone who is counting on getting access to the health care that they`ve been denied previously, worried about a child born with a disability, worried about an illness that afflicted a family, we don`t want to see more and more families ending up in the court themselves in front of a bankruptcy judge knowing that health care costs have been a leading cause of bankruptcy, a leading cause of credit card debt. This is John McCain, their last standard-bearer. Mr. Cain invited Sharon and I to an exclusive after-party. User may not reproduce or redistribute the material except for user`s personal or internal use and, in such case, only one copy may be printed, nor shall user use any material for commercial purposes or in any fashion that may infringe upon MSNBC and ASC LLC`s copyright or other proprietary rights or interests in the material. Also joining me, MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe. Thanks for watching. Let me go to you a minute, Dana. Clearly, as with the torture, the idea for a Republican audience is to criticize the president for everything and anything. DOGGETT: It really is. You`re used to candidates that understand and then answer your questions. The stance against torture was in this country, and to make it U.S. law by having it ratified by Congress was initially a Republican-passed initiative. And that seems to be what we`re seeing in this poll. FALLON: Well, I mean, having read the grand jury minutes, Al, the question is, he says I went, I told the people. People have the right to advocate what they want. SHARPTON: Now, wait a minute. I know he only works there now. Guernsey goes into lockdown for the first time in seven months after four new Covid-19 cases were discovered... Don't make phone calls or talk to each other on public transport to prevent spread of Covid, French... Hope for Spanish summer holidays: Madrid 'wants to welcome first tourists in spring' and denies claim it... BBC lockdown home-schooling programme tells 9-year-olds there are 'over 100 genders' and shows kids talking... Kenneth Branagh is set to play Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a gripping Sky drama depicting the first wave... SARAH VINE: BBC home-schooling programme that tells 9-year-olds there are 'over 100 genders' is a... Life after Lupo for Kate and Wills: The Cambridges get a new spaniel puppy from her brother James Middleton. But what you`re talking about with Justice Thomas` wife is something different. And one of the things that we`ve had to deal with in the face of confronting things that are going around globally is this whole bias to give Muslims Islamophobia. . And if we elect Mitt Romney, if you elect me as the next president, they will not have a nuclear weapon. They were rubbing shoulders with the man leading the fight to kill the president`s health care law, the lawyer who will likely argue the case before them next year. If you eliminate the Department of Energy -- GOV. In fact, for people who satirize politics, it`s getting very hard to do any better than Rick Perry did to himself and now Herman Cain has done to himself in this video. Basically because I`m a frustrated playground director, I guess. SHARPTON: But in fairness to Mr. Cain, his campaign did release a statement on why he was so incomprehensive in his statement.
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