It is also very important for your health because obviously, the kitchen is the place where good nutrition comes from! Decorate it with either Fire or Earth element colors and try to limit the colors of both the Metal element (white and gray) and the Water element (blue and black). Limiting a strong expression of the earth element is also recommended. East facing kitchen. Absolutely ideal feng shui combo for a South facing front door. The best way to accomplish this is by using cool colors. Where do you start and what are the feng shui priorities for a kitchen? (If you like these colors, of course!) Kitchen – Third Avenue Studio. Avoid fiery and watery colors (check the feng shui color wheel for clear visuals). A south facing kitchen thrives on the energy of fire as this is its main element—the fire feng shui element. 8 Colors for North-Facing Rooms | Find an interior designer White, metal color and silver grey belong to metal in five elements while the kitchen belongs to fire; fire restricts metal. So, if you’re going to renovate your kitchen the Feng Shui way, there are some important notes that you should take heed. 2. If you have a kitchen in the South, you can go wild with all sorts of fiery colors – from bright red to intense yellow or sun-kissed orange. West or North West Bathroom - Its best to have carpets in blue color and even better if the shap is wavy. The feng shui energy of color red is the energy of arousal. This color accentuates the qualities that the northwest can bring into your life through the bedroom. This is due to their differences in layout, floor plan, interiors, landscape, etc. The four cardinal directions each have a corresponding color in feng shui: North and blue ; East and green; South and red; West and white; This means if you have a west-facing door, you should choose to incorporate yellow prominently. Kitchen – 14 Things to Avoid Avoid placing kitchen near front door of home. A Center area kitchen needs the same feng shui energy as a kitchen in the Southwest or Northeast areas; they all share the Earth element. Of course, there are many steps in creating a good feng shui kitchen—from fresh air and good lighting to the best placement of your oven. Colors to avoid (in big proportions) in a South area kitchen are blue and black. Brown and green kitchen color shades and combination are symbols of health and vitality. However, it is the cabinet that is restricted rather than the kitchen which is a symbol the family's wealth. The kitchen has a special place in feng shui. The location is determined by the so-called bagua, or feng shui energy map. The best yin colors are blue and green. That's because this is the appliance that generates the meals that feed the residents of that home. Ideally, you’ll want a kitchen position that’s closer to the back door of your home or one that’s positioned to the east or south. So, feel free to have as many fiery colors as you want – from strong firetruck red to yummy yellow and, of course, bring an abundance of Earth element decor and colors. Avoid a predominantly white color kitchen in the East. You can use blue and/or black (water element colors) along with green and brown (wood element colors) for a balanced chi decor. Feng Shui Colors for Kitchen. The energy to limit here is the fire energy as fire destroys the wood in the cycle of five elements. You can also use a variety of Wood element colors such as green and brown. Fire is very good for the Earth element, so it is easy to create good feng shui when you have a Center area kitchen. South-facing rooms sometimes benefit from a drop in visual temperature. South Bathroom- Square shape rugs done in skin colors from yellow, pink to chocolate brown are best suited are ideal for south bathroom East or South East Bathrooms- You can go for triangular bathroom rugs in red color. Earth element colors and decor items are excellent here, too. No matter which bagua you choose to work with — the Classical or the Western — this guide has info for both baguas. Decorating a north facing kitchen with the water element colors has to be done mindfully because you still want to support the warm, fiery energy needed in any kitchen. In feng shui, the color yellow brings about prosperity, abundance and happiness in relationships. This will be different for each kitchen, as in feng shui the choice of color is based on the five feng shui elements that are needed in any bagua area. A kitchen in the northeast area of a home has the same feng shui color requirements as a west facing kitchen as they share the same element of metal. Rodika Tchi is a master feng shui consultant and author of two best-selling books on feng shui -- "The Healing Power of Smudging" (Simon and Schuster, 2017) and "Feng Shui for Healing" (Rockridge Press, 2019). So, add as many Wood element decor items and colors as your heart desires, bring touches of light blue color and avoid too many red accents or a predominantly stark white color in your Southeast kitchen. The stove, in particular, has an especially important place in the home and the kitchen. If you have a kitchen in the North area, you will have to juggle the fine art of feng shui color balancing – you want to keep the Water element of this area happy by providing the best colors and decor for it – blue, black, gray and white; at the same time you want to keep the fire energy of the kitchen strong and healthy.So, find a good visual balance between Water and Fire colors with the emphasis being on blue, black, gray and white colors. If you want instant gratification, you can just estimate the location of your kitchen and later on, take some time to define the feng shui energy map of your home. Green and brown colors are excellent for the East area kitchen, and so are the light blue accents. Limit a strong presence of the metal, wood, and water feng shui elements. The element to support here is the wood feng shui element. A Southeast area kitchen requires the same attention as the one in the East as they both share the same element – Wood. Although you should consider some variations in color, having white walls is a good idea. Feng shui bagua area: Fame & Reputation Western bagua location: center top This is one of the most auspicious kitchen locations in feng shui as it works very well with the Fire feng shui element energy of the area. A great feng shui color for the kitchen is yellow, because it represents fire, so it is almost literally the perfect one for the kitchen. It also increases craving for food and other stimuli. When applying basic feng shui principles to the kitchen, it's important to keep its function in mind, because that's one of the main determinants of appropriate room design. South Area Kitchen. You can place a dining table in North-West or West of kitchen (if your kitchen is huge). Avoid too much black, blue, as well as white and gray colors. Feng Shui dictates that blue or navy color is suitable for north-facing front doors, green or blue colors for east facing, orange or red color for south-facing and white or grey color ideal for west-facing front doors. The Metal element is usually an excellent balancing point for a North area kitchen in both its colors – white and gray – as well as in its actual materials. Feng Shui kitchen is essential when you want to Feng Shui your house. Here are some specific Feng shui colors that go well with certain directions of your kitchen. Again, limit the fire energy colors, as fire destroys the wood in the destructive cycle of the five feng shui elements. A kitchen in the Northeast area is as easy to work with as a kitchen in Southwest area, as they both share the same Earth element. Astronaut Images/Getty While blue colors can be challenging for feng shui, this particular kitchen has the best possible blue, along with its best color playmate: a calming and balancing earthy color.Despite the ultra-modern features, this kitchen is full of natural energy and feels airy, fresh, and happy. Here I would like to give you a quick shortcut to the best colors for your kitchen no matter which bagua school you decide to apply. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, spiritual growth and self-cultivation area. The main element to avoid here is the fire feng shui element as fire melts the metal in the destructive cycle of the five elements. A kitchen in the northeast area needs a strong earth element energy, it is in the bagua area called the spiritual growth and self-cultivation area. Northwest Facing Bedroom: Feng Shui Tips Basic Color Considerations. It is in the bagua area called the love and marriage area, so re-creating the energy of love with an earthy quality to it (simple, unpretentious energy) works best here. All I can say when I look at this bright hot pink/magenta color door is that I am in love. I have taken care of this topic by filming several short videos to explain the difference between the two feng shui baguas, be sure to watch them if you are new to this topic. Colors can be used strategically in our spaces to inspire transformation and support healing.
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